Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Power of the Edit





The reason I choose this picture out of all the other was because it featured a man who looked kind of sad which I liked because I wanted more of a sad feeling to the picture I was doing. For the editing, I used the app Iphoto to enhance the picture. While I was editing, I wanted to make the picture really emotional in a sad way and I wanted the area in the picture to look warm and sunny. In the end, I was really satisfied with the edited photo. From the picture, you can see the rule of thirds being used because the main object of the picture, the man, is in the left middle corner which is a spot the rule of thirds advises you to put your objects in. One of the ways I enhanced this picture was that I increased the shadows of the man and a few other objects. I also brightened the photo to make it so the area looks warm and sunny. I finally added some green light in the photo because I wanted the photo to look nature like.

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